Tuesday, July 26, 2011
Thursday, June 9, 2011
Update on my little life
SO seeing as how for the last year or so, try as I may I just couldnt remember my stupid password and have been rendered unable to write anything on here. So fast forward I am now the proud mommy of four amazing children, whose antics keep me on my toes so often that I am in constant need of new shoes- okay I know that was lame but give me a break its almost 2 am. My husband and I are still as happy as can be with the idea of spending forever together which is awesome! I've been giving some thought lately about sharing the little stories and anecdotes on here with others but Im still on the fence. So I guess we shall see. anywho- here's to a new chapter in my life as a mom with four babies, a husband and a big freaking dog.
Thursday, September 24, 2009
These are the days
My daughter fell asleep "reading" a book, I knew that she was sleeping only by the gentle snore I heard from behind its pages. My son is sleeping with a bottle still at his lips, Im wondering if he'll aquire what I've heard of as Milk Tooth? Ava is sleeping belly button out and a tiny pony tail on her head. I am sitting in front of this screen determined to write something prolific or at least mildly entertaining. I've decided to share the dreaded weightlifting story, here goes...
I was 17 years old and a huge dork in my high school, I was barely noticed by anyone except those few I called friend, anyway I was taking some boxing/kickboxing and weight training lessons from a friend after school, and was, for once, in decent shape. I wasnt skinny, but I was strong. I signed up for a weight training class my senior year and by the grace of God, I was one of only two girls in the class along with about fifteen of the most popular boys in the school. I knew when my time came, I'd get the chance to impress them. For once I was gonna be popular maybe even respected! Well one spring day, the other girl in the class was absent, so I thought this is it, now's my chance. I jumped on this one machine that you lay on your back and sort of press the weight with your legs. Now since my legs were my strongest feature, I chose to use a leg lift machine first, you know to make the most of my appearance.... Big Mistake I put the pin into the last hole on the weight rack, meaning I was pressing the whole stack, if memory serves correctly, it was about 230 lbs. I lifted it with ease, and in my head I was thinking, " I am SOOO bitchin! look at all the guys they think I'm so cool. This is awesome" Well I laid there for the remainder of the class on this one machine just prove what great shape I was in. Oh by the way you're sort of spread eagle on this machine because one leg presses the weight at a time, having said that, with every passing minute I was sure I was securing my spot with the cool kids. I was gonna be one of them. I just knew it I could tell by the looks on their faces that they were shocked, they all kept staring at me mouths open in awe. "Woo-Hoo, this is it" I thought.... Then the bell rang and I went to the locker room to change for my next class and wouldnt you know it, to my ABSOLUTE HORROR & DISGUST I got my eff-ing period which was painstakingly obvious by the bright red bullseye on the crotch of my bright yellow eff-ing gym shorts! The room started to spin as I pondered the fact that every cool boy in the school just watched me leg press two hundred pounds for forty five minutes with a freaking bloody bullseye on my shorts! I dropped the class and signed up for work release the next day so I only went to school until 10 am for the remainder of the year. To this day, I can't tell the story without my stomach feeling all jittery. sigh.... Moral of the story, don't think that because you know in your heart that you are in fact very cool, that anyone else is going to agree with you. Don't worry I still think you're the coolest! xoxo~J
I was 17 years old and a huge dork in my high school, I was barely noticed by anyone except those few I called friend, anyway I was taking some boxing/kickboxing and weight training lessons from a friend after school, and was, for once, in decent shape. I wasnt skinny, but I was strong. I signed up for a weight training class my senior year and by the grace of God, I was one of only two girls in the class along with about fifteen of the most popular boys in the school. I knew when my time came, I'd get the chance to impress them. For once I was gonna be popular maybe even respected! Well one spring day, the other girl in the class was absent, so I thought this is it, now's my chance. I jumped on this one machine that you lay on your back and sort of press the weight with your legs. Now since my legs were my strongest feature, I chose to use a leg lift machine first, you know to make the most of my appearance.... Big Mistake I put the pin into the last hole on the weight rack, meaning I was pressing the whole stack, if memory serves correctly, it was about 230 lbs. I lifted it with ease, and in my head I was thinking, " I am SOOO bitchin! look at all the guys they think I'm so cool. This is awesome" Well I laid there for the remainder of the class on this one machine just prove what great shape I was in. Oh by the way you're sort of spread eagle on this machine because one leg presses the weight at a time, having said that, with every passing minute I was sure I was securing my spot with the cool kids. I was gonna be one of them. I just knew it I could tell by the looks on their faces that they were shocked, they all kept staring at me mouths open in awe. "Woo-Hoo, this is it" I thought.... Then the bell rang and I went to the locker room to change for my next class and wouldnt you know it, to my ABSOLUTE HORROR & DISGUST I got my eff-ing period which was painstakingly obvious by the bright red bullseye on the crotch of my bright yellow eff-ing gym shorts! The room started to spin as I pondered the fact that every cool boy in the school just watched me leg press two hundred pounds for forty five minutes with a freaking bloody bullseye on my shorts! I dropped the class and signed up for work release the next day so I only went to school until 10 am for the remainder of the year. To this day, I can't tell the story without my stomach feeling all jittery. sigh.... Moral of the story, don't think that because you know in your heart that you are in fact very cool, that anyone else is going to agree with you. Don't worry I still think you're the coolest! xoxo~J
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
a little bit of my version of Shakespeare
Mommio, mommio, wherefore art thy cheerios,
deny thy dishes and refuse thy dog or if thou wilt not
be but awakened by mine tantrums
and I'll no longer keep mine quiet
one childs taunts drown out another childs taunting
ones pain is worsened by anothers hair pulling
true thou dost talk of dreams which thine children will ne'er allow
for this is not but a vain fantasy
to sleep, thy wilst not
to dream ohh but to dream once more......
deny thy dishes and refuse thy dog or if thou wilt not
be but awakened by mine tantrums
and I'll no longer keep mine quiet
one childs taunts drown out another childs taunting
ones pain is worsened by anothers hair pulling
true thou dost talk of dreams which thine children will ne'er allow
for this is not but a vain fantasy
to sleep, thy wilst not
to dream ohh but to dream once more......
Monday, September 21, 2009
another day in the life a stay at home mom
Sigh these are the days, the babies are sleeping, there's peanut butter in my hair, and I've had two drinks so far this evening. Life is good. I think about a day at the beach a few days ago, I was so excited to show my son the beach for the first time, I brought him to the door of our beachfront hotel just as the sun rose sure that he'd be in awe at the sight of this picturesque scene. In fact, he never saw the beach or the ocean, he couldn't have cared less. He was so fascinated by the screen door his sight never went past it.Funny that as adults we seem only to be amused by flashy and beautiful things and not just the simple ones. My son taught me a lesson that day, it doesn't matter that we should be amazed at something because its beautiful, what's important is that we never lose the ability to find beauty in things which are ordinary.
Chapter 6 50/50 or 90/10?
100% doesn’t always mean its gonna be 50/50. When talking about give and take, you must realize that you might not always be the one who will be getting the "take" side of the coin. Actually sometime its may even feel like you are doing mostly the giving part. What I mean by this is that you cant expect to have it easy, nor do I expect you though, to do all the work all the time. Realistically though, sometimes it may feel less like 50/50 and more like 90/10. So think ahead, are you prepared to say, cover the bills if your loved one gets sick? How about take full care of them if they become incapacitated? Could you picture yourself changing diapers or helping to bathe this person should they fall ill. If the answer is "I don’t know" then you simply should not get married, this person isn’t the one. Moreover, ask yourself if the tables were turned, could & would your spouse do these things for you? Again, if there is any hesitation, wait to say I do until you are sure these issues have been addressed. They are life changing and although no one wants to consider these circumstances, accidents can happen. Take for example, a family friend, we will just refer to her as Angel,. Angel and her husband were thrilled to find out that they were expecting a child, but to their dismay, they were given the news that due to a birth defect,their baby angel,would need constant support and may never walk. Was their faith shaken even a little? Nope they loved that baby with all their hearts. Then tradgedy struck again, Angel’s husband was in a near fatal car accident, suffered severe brain damage, and now needs constant care himself, he is also in a wheelchair for the most part. Now this woman devotes her life to the care and loving support of her family, I’ve never even heard her complain, she is just truly grateful to have her family around her. Now I ask you, put yourself in her shoes, could you take on her role, or would your spouse give up his life to taking care of your every need? Marriage is not something to be taken lightly, Too many people act as though getting married shouldnt be a stressful thing at all, afterall, if the going gets tough, you can just get a divorce. This cannot be the case for much longer, people must get to know one another before taking this huge plunge. Having said that, you must be willing to compromise when it comes to "non life altering" activities. Are you ok with watching the game on Sundays instead of watching Laguna Beach marathons? Is your spouse willing to give up hockey tickets to go with you to the ballet? I’m not saying that if you get married you can never have any fun again and that it means you have to do all the stuff you hate to please the other person, but here is where compromise comes in, maybe you can skip the game and watch your shows in your bedroom, or perhaps your man can get tickets for his game on another night. You must be able to talk these things through or it will be just one other little string coming undone in the rope that is your marriage. For your own sake, if you cant compromise, especially about these little things, you need to reexamine your life together. If a football game can really get you upset enough to fight over, what will happen if the crap really hits the fan one day? Aside from fairytales, no marriage is perfect, there will be ups and downs, a good marriage will withstand the ebb and flows.
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